- Tx: 7-30 MHz + 50MHz (50-54MHz)
- Rx: 3-70 MHz
- Impedance: 50 Ω
- V.S.W.R: less than1.5
- Length: 1.22m
- Weight: 680g
- Connector: PL-259
- Maximum Power: 120W (SSB), 40W (FM)
Your Bazoka-Pro is a Pre-tuned antenna
Για βέλτιστη λειτουργία, δεν απαιτείται καμία προσαρμογή.
Μπορείτε να κάνετε μια μικρή προσαρμογή μόνο στη ζώνη των 7Mhz, ολισθαίνοντας ελαφρώς την επάνω ράβδο του μέχρι να επιτύχετε τον σωστό συντονισμό.
Remember that your Bazoka-Pro is a mobile broadband type antenna with small dimensions, so that the antenna propagation efficiency can be reduced to 1/10, due to its Broadband structure
The use of antenna coupler is recommended.
Be sure to use a large bracket, according to the size of this antenna, since your Bazoka-Pro is a heavy and large antenna.
Your Bazoka-Pro can be installed both in a vehicle, as on a metal balcony or other surfaces.
Before installing your Bazoka-Pro in the vehicle, make sure that the antenna is properly connected to the vehicle chassis to obtain a good mass.
We suggest experimenting, to get the best performance from your Bazoka-Pro. For this it is interesting to change the location of the antenna in your car and find the place where the SWR is lowest. Certainly, the location of the antenna in the car directly affects its performance, so we suggest you consider this recommendation and do not fix the antenna to the center of the roof of your vehicle. You should experience other angles and even if possible, use other types of brackets.
Always operate your Bazoka-Pro as a portable antenna, we suggest you try adding to your Bazoka-Pro 4 radials (or as many as possible) between 8 and 10 meters long each. Another option is to connect the antenna mount a good grounding by means of a cable of 6mm2 section. Both solutions are very good for improving the signal rate.